Boat Info

Saturday, January 19, 2019

South Bight, Andros, Bahamas

We had trouble with our anchor overnight - had to re-anchor several times.  Time to move on!

Headed out around noon - lovely sandbar on our way out of Middle Bight.

Had a lovely engines-off sail about 10 miles south in tossy-turvey seas.  Caught 2 Mahi Mahi!  Our favorite fish.  This one is in a 5 gallon bucket - pretty decent size although they get much larger.

Within a few minutes we'd hooked another smaller one! 

Winds are going to pick up over the next few days so we've tied up at another government dock.

Lovely and curious townsfolk.  I read there are about 200 residents.  We met about 20 of them over the course of the afternoon.

Ralph with his big bull Mahi Mahi.  Nice fish!!!

These nice ladies came by and told us all sorts of info about the area - where to find the bakery, the restaurant (cook to order, just call) and the laundry.

And we had....wait for it.....Mahi for dinner!!  It was delicious!!!

1 comment:

  1. ...nice you're getting to meet some of the locals...
