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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ralph Joke #16

There were two southern girls sitting on the porch. 

The first girl turns to the second in a rich, southern accent and says, "Look at this house. My Daddy got it for me." 

The second replies, "Well isn't that nice." 

The first turns to the second again and says, "You see that Porsche over there. My Daddy got it for me." 

The second girl replies, "Well isn't that nice." 

Again the first turns to the second and says, "You see those horses over there. My Daddy got those for me too!" 

Once again, the second replies "Well isn't that nice." 

"Well" say the first gal, "What ever did your Daddy get for you?" 
The second gal replies, "Well, my Daddy sent me off to finishing school." 

"Finishing school? What ever did you get by going to finishing school?" the first girl asks. 

The second replies, "I learned to say, 'Well isn't that nice' instead of You Bitch"

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