Boat Info

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Pretty reef north of Morgan's Bluff, Andros Bahamas

We took the dinghies about 2 miles north of the anchorage in choppy seas and found a lovely reef!

The coral was nice and healthy.  Saw lots of varieties of fish. This is a trumpetfish.

This large "puffer fish" swam slowly by.  It's a Porcupinefish - and has neurotoxins so we won't be eating him!!   It was probably 2' long.

Duane took a "Hawaiian Sling" - it's basically a spear with a rubber band to propel it thru the water.  It's one of the only ways we're allowed to fish in the Bahamas other than a pole/lure.

Beautiful coral.

Parrot fish

Angel Fish

Different type of Angel Fish

Leslie spotted a lobster on the sea floor but couldn't swim down to spear it.  She called Duane over and he took care of it!

First lobster!  We had it and several small fish and crab we caught for dinner - all wonderful and fresh!

Back to the dinghies - was a rolly spot so we departed quickly.  Fun day!!

1 comment:

  1. ....oooh...stay well away from those poisonous thingies...

