Boat Info

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

North Bight, Andros, Bahamas

Went for a long snorkel trip out to the exposed reef - beautiful calm day for it! 

We noticed conch shells in the water as we were on the dinghy going to the reef so we stopped and got a few.  The water is about 6' deep here with a grassy bottom.

Beautiful smooth ride out to the reef.

Leslie loaned me their underwater camera!  Yay!  I like it and may get one when we get home.  It doesn't require a waterproof case so is a lot less trouble.

Ralph ready to spear.

Beautiful fish that weren't too skittish - probably because they don't see many humans.

Barracuda about 3' long.

Leslie and Ralph

Duane with what we believe is a variety of snapper.

Took a break and headed to a more exposed reef area.

This is an amazing shot - you can see the reef thru the calm seas.

This reef was even more spectacular!

Ralph on the hunt.

A menacing looking reef shark appeared....curious but quickly swam away.  Still a little unnerving.  Not a good idea to spear a fish when a shark is around.  And it's best to get the fish on the spear out of the water as quickly as possible since sharks apparently can "smell" blood in small quantities!!

That's about it - a long but great day. 

We cleaned the conch and fish on the beach while getting bitten by thousands of quickly back to the boat to escape.  Later, we had a wonderful meal on Now & Zen (picture stolen from Leslie's FB).  Grilled fish, rice& peas, mac & cheese and cracked conch. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. YIKES - Shark! careful out there in that amazingly clear water...
