Boat Info

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

More Andros exploring

Lovely little beach scene at the "Regatta Grounds" near our anchorage at Morgan's Bluff.

 Since we had the rental car for another half day, we did some more exploring. 

We turned down a road that Duane read on the map as Martin Luther King Road.  A side note is that many of these Bahamian islands have road names, statues and plaques honoring Martin Luther King, so it is not unusual to see such a street name and it normally would be a nice road.  The problem was that Duane did not have his "readers" with him and the REAL name of the road was Main Lumber Road.  It quickly became clear that this was a little used path....but the little rental car handled it fine and we drove down this straight path for about 10 miles!

We eventually found the only settlement there called Red Bays.   Not much going on there, just a residential area.

We drove to the end of the road and were treated to a nice little walk along the shallow banks.

Turned off on a little side road and came to this peaceful cemetery right at the water's  edge.

Then off we went southbound - stopped at the little North Andros Airport just to check it out and get some gas for the rental car. 

Nice airport lounge.

Then we headed over to a couple of bays that we will soon see from the boats.   This is Mastic Point.

 There is a little bay with several sunken ships (common here - they are just left to rot away) and saw this pretty white crane.  Of course, it flew away as soon as I got too close.

On another off-the-beaten-path road we saw another pretty, peaceful cemetery.

 Back to Morgan's Bluff, we found Captain Morgan's Cave.  Amazingly well marked and easy to find!

Legend has it that Captain Morgan hid his gold in this cave.....

It was pretty large and dry.  

I turned on the flashlight on my phone and crawled thru towards a lighter area.

And eventually found another opening - this one I had to crawl on my hands and knees.

Out the other side!

Then we climbed up Morgan's Bluff for a beautiful view out into the Tongue of the Ocean.

The two Mantas at anchor.

Leslie and Ralph joined us for our New Year's meal in style.

Had a great shared meal - Leslie found a bag of dried black eyed peas at a small grocery store today, I had collard greens - so we should be full of luck and money in 2019!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that looks like good New year's fare...and I love the cute photo of you in the cave...
