Boat Info

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Middle Bight near Moxey Town, Andros, Bahamas

Busy day!

Started out with Duane taking the dinghy motor apart - one of the carburetors (it has three) was leaking fuel.  It was a different one this time....but we have no parts to fix it other than new gaskets. 

All looked fine - so he did a bunch of cleaning (although they looked clean) and put it back together.  A test run was fine so we'll call it good for now anyway!  Carburetors are funny...

Then it was off to the reef just off shore.  

Better photo of a triggerfish. 

Pretty angelfish.

Leslie on the hunt.

And Ralph trying for a fish.

After a great snorkel we were headed back to the boats.  Ralph and Leslie pulled along side us on the dinghy and asked if we wanted to go look at the abandoned Autec site #3.  I copied this from the internet:

The Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) range systems provide accurate underwater and in-air tracking for both firing platforms and targets using a variety of acoustic beacons and sensors.

There are several Autec sites on Andros apparently staffed by US Navy personnel.  Many of them are abandoned for some reason.

So, we puttered over to the seawall.

This looked like maybe a housing area ( I read it was abandoned in 2014).  A brick oven.

Strange painted palm trees.   We gathered some coconuts.

Buildings already falling apart.

Carried the coconuts back to the dinghy.

Back at the boat, Duane had gotten this fish, a "grunt" I believe.   Supposed to be tasty....but it actually is "the one that got away".  I was cleaning it on the step on the back of the boat to minimize my mess and even though I had on gloves with grips, he slid out of my hand as I was scaling him.  I really should have gotten one of those boards with the clamp you see in the bait and tackle shops!!  Oh well.  Ralph speared a couple of triggerfish for our dinner so we won't go hungry!

Our haul of coconuts.

Duane got busy with a hatchet and opened one for me.  Unfortunately, this one got busted so we lost the "milk".  

But the meat was fresh and lovely.

I don't have a food processor (reminder to get a small one for next season!!) so I had to grate it by hand.  Had to be careful not to nick my fingertips!  I used this grated coconut in a curry-rice dish that I forgot to photograph.  Interesting flavor combination.

 With the leftover chucks that were too small to grate safely, I just chopped them with a knife and toasted.

Tossed the toasted chunks into some tomatoes - added hot pepper and some sugar for a "chutney" for the grilled fish with dinner.  It was all delicious!

 And we were greeted by a lovely but stormy looking sunrise this morning!


  1. Hey K,
    ...abandoned building are fun in a spooky kind of way...the coconuts look yummy though...

  2. ps...glad you got your engine fixed...
