Boat Info

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lisbon Creek, Andros, Bahamas

We were trapped on the boat for most of the day by heavy rains.  No worries, we have plenty to read.

When the rains cleared, James and his cousin Deshaun visited and wanted to fish.  So, I pulled out the small rods and they fished for a while.

I went to get my camera for a pretty sunset photo, but by the time I got back up the sun had gone behind some clouds.

Ralph blew the conch horn at sunset - and James wanted to give it a try.  He did pretty good!

And before the night was over, cousin Kian had joined the others for some fishing.  No luck though they had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. ...too bad...about the weather and the missed sunset...but the conch blowing looks like fun...
