Boat Info

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Lisbon Creek, Andros, Bahamas

The winds are still blowing 30+ knots so we're still at the dock.

Borrowed Leslie and Ralph's bikes and went for a ride - I am almost out of my canned milk and wanted to go to the grocery store about 1 1/2 miles north.

That small grocery store was out of milk so we rode 7 miles to Moxie Town on the north side of the island.

Saw a couple of pretty little churches on the way.  Not sure they're active but they look well maintained.

Found a pretty little bay and blue hole.

This bay was almost completely protected from the strong winds.

As we approached the north end of the island we came to a area exposed to the east.  You can see the crazy winds here.

The ride back to the boat was MUCH harder than the ride to Moxey Town!  The wind was mostly on our nose and the 7+ miles was grueling!

Back to the boat I went over to Now & Zen for a lesson in conch salad making.  Yum!

In the afternoon, Leslie had made friends with Raymond who tends a "backyard garden".  So he invited us for a tour.

Lots of different banana trees.

This is a sapodilla tree.  Unfortunately not ripe.   The sap or gum from the tree is  a source of 'chicle' the original ingredient used to make chewing gum.

He showed us a pigeon pea bush - a big, woody plant with pea pods.  (The pea/bean we use to make peas and rice although in the Caribbean they use a kidney bean or such.)

 A different banana plant.  Again, not ripe yet so we couldn't sample.

Closeup of the pigeon peas.

 Ralph always curious.

That's it for the day.  Fun time.

1 comment:

  1. ...the Churches are beautiful...and I didn't know that the peas grew like that...
