Boat Info

Friday, November 23, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone had a grand Thanksgiving.

We spent a good part of the day helping Ralph and Leslie put up the lights on their boat for the boat parade on Saturday.

They've done this several times before - so the basic light "mat" is complete.  But as usual with Christmas lights, some of them didn't work.  So we had to replace some of the red "rope" on the heart.  Leslie and Robert working on the "heart".

You'll see the finished product tomorrow - but it basically says "Peace (sign) on Earth  Love (heart) To All"

Robert, Duane and Ralph rigging the "heart" mat.

Raising the "heart" mat.

And before we knew it, it was time to get back to our boat to get ready for the 3 o'clock pot-luck for Thanksgiving.  The winds had picked up substantially while we were at the marina....and the ride back in the dinghy was WET!!

For the ride back to the marina for the pot-luck - we all put on "Foulies" - and we were nice and dry!

The pot-luck was fun - the usual fare.  All nicely done, of course!

A ridiculous amount of food and deserts.

A great way to spend Thanksgiving when you're away from home!  Thanks Ralph and Leslie for including us.

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