Boat Info

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Post Hurricane Florence

Our friends departed this morning to go to their boat in Charleston.  We had a fun visit with them during the hurricane passing, great catching up and learning to play Canasta!!  Had a great time one night with Pat/Diane and Ed/Cathy for Mexican night when the local Mexican restaurant was closed because of the hurricane.

The hurricane dropped days and days of rain on us in Pittsboro.  The flood outside our house was the biggest we've ever seen.    Looking towards the hangar.  (Friend's RV is on the ramp).

A large amount of water coming thru the 3' culvert!

The area between the house and the hangar was also a the drain there was plugged.  Duane waded in and cleared the clog!

And the next day - all the rip-rap was washed away from the culvert.  Some of those rocks weigh 20-30 lbs!  Amazing force of water!

After Ed and Cathy departed for their next adventures, we packed up and headed to Oriental this afternoon.   Taking all the "stuff" back - the sail, tools and the dinghy.  Decided not to take the Avion back since we'll be leaving for the Bahamas in November anyway.


No trouble driving - although we saw lots of standing water, damage and debris.

Arrived at the lot - trees down and lots of junk lying around.  Will know more tomorrow.

Pretty sunset though!

A few minutes later.

1 comment:

  1. Glad everything is 'almost' ok...the sunset is can't even tell there was a storm...
