Boat Info

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Back "home"....

Arrived back "home" to Pittsboro yesterday.   Over 3000 nautical miles from  Galveston in November.....a neighbor in Oriental had been keeping our little minivan running since Octobor when we left it there.  So, we had transportation once we arrived at our dock.

First time in at the dock at our lot.   I have been handling the controls at the docks since we left Galveston in November.  Duane has been out on deck handling the lines.  So far, we've only pulled up to "face docks" for fuel/water.  I will tell you, even though our slip is 30' seemed a little "tight" approaching for the first time!  Duane coached me from the deck - "don't worry about starboard.  Just forget starboard.  You've got plenty of room over there.   Just pay attention to the port side and you'll be fine".  Worked out fine, of course.

Spent a couple of days getting the boat settled in it's new "home" and relaxing.  Drove the 3 hours back inland to Pittsboro.

The house handled the 6 months empty well.  Nothing broke, froze or flooded.  A couple of wonderful neighbors took care of watering the inside plants and collecting the mail every day.   Thanks Pat & Diane and Lindy!

The pipes all expelled rusty water for a few minutes and the toilets had evaporated all the water out of the bowls.  Several of our outdoor plants did not survive the "below-freezing-for-10-days-straight" that they suffered this winter. (Not that anything would have changed had we been in residence)

Only one vehicle tag had expired while we were away.  The daffodils and the iris's bloomed without me.....

We've got a list of things we're doing before heading back to the boat in a few days....

One of the most important is flying!!!  Hangar in the backyard.

Pulled the Mooney out and did a good walkaround.  Amazing that the tires stayed pumped up and the battery was still charged after 6 months!

We flew and got our currency back (3 take offs and landings are required every 90 days).   Duane is a pro.....but I will admit that I was very, very rusty at the controls after so long away!  The NC countryside is just lovely from the air, though.

Really, really weird to be back in the house with all the space!   I seem lost in my own kitchen!   The king-size bed seems ridiculous!

Visiting with the neighbors and the kids.  Getting everything ready to head back to the coast in a few days for lots of "boat chores" - bottom paint, new engines, etc.

Seems like we're spread a little thin between all of our various interests.....and the plan is to head out again in the fall for points south!

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