Boat Info

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Treasure Cay

The big storm that was predicted did not really materialize.....we woke to cloudy skies and did have about an hour of heavy rain and wind.   Nice to get another "wash" of the salt crystals that grow everywhere on the boat.

The Capt'n checking things out...

After the rain stopped we set out towards clear skies and Treasure Cay (about 4 hours of motoring in choppy seas)

 Pretty entrance to Treasure Cay harbor.

There were mangroves, so of course we had to dinghy thru them.  This was the extremely shallow entrance channel into the mangroves.

Once inside, there was a mostly deep path thru.

Interesting things on the bottom.

The water was not as clear I'd hoped - looks like the shallow entrance probably traps alot of the water so it doesn't get flushed out regularly.  These fish seemed unconcerned that I was there with my camera.

More interesting coral and growth.

A little starfish.

And another different style starfish.

Back to Sojourn.  We have decided to start making our way back to the States....there is a good weather window coming up to cross the gulf stream this weekend.   We've got some normal boat maintenance that we need to do.  Plus, we need to schedule our two new engines for installation! 

1 comment:

  1. ...that does look really shallow...and it looks like you step right out of that house into the water...


