Boat Info

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Georgetown, Exumas

I thought it was going to be a relaxing-do nothing day.....but it turned out to be fun and busy.

We had a wet and bumpy ride across the harbour into town.  I was almost completely soaked but the water is warm!!

Stopped at a vegetable stand - just bought some green tomatoes.  I have them in a paper bag - hope they ripen nicely.

Stopped by the liquor store - first time we've bought any beer since November.  (We've had wine on board, but not beer - it's just pretty bulky to store on board.)  Got a case of Kalik - $48 - so enjoy your $14.97 case of Yuengling from Walmart!!  (I'm not complaining, the view is nice!)

Back to the boat thru the little "tunnel" at the dinghy dock.

Here's my haul from the grocery store.  $50.48  I had run out of grits so I was pleased to see that they had a good supply - the grits are in the zip-lock bag on the left.

Spent the afternoon baking bread and reading.

Late in the day, there was a "pirate party" announced.  We didn't have any pirate costumes, but lots of folks were prepared.  Amazing how much silly fun these folks pack in.

Double fisted drinker from Laura Belle (some of the folks from Oriental here).  (His wife had just handed him her rum punch to hold....)

Lots of random pirates.

Our 3 Manta's crew.

They held a judging contest for the costumes.  The kids were actually having fun until the adults had them line up....but moments later it was all smiles again.

The adult judging.

Winner of the ladies division, our friend Gayle from Oriental!

Our new buds Ed and Cathy.

Up to Chat n Chill to order dinner.

We're trying not to eat out a huge amount - both due to the cost and the calories....but fun to splurge every now and then.   I'd ordered fish, but they served me chicken.  When I told them that I'd ordered fish, the response was "no fish today".  Oh well, it was delicious and most of that chicken got toted back to the boat for tomorrow.

A lovely sunset from Chat n Chill!

1 comment:

  1. That was a fun change of plans...I should have given you the striped shirt I got in the freebie bin...


