Boat Info

Thursday, December 21, 2017

In Sarasota

The blog posts will probably slow down a bit as we settle in here in Sarasota.

Within 100 yards of our mooring is another Manta 40!  It's amazing that we've run across so many - I think there were only about 50 ever made.

We needed to go to the hardware store - on our way we pulled the dinghy over to say hello to the crew of "Vizu" - Mike and Vicki from Canada.  Really nice couple - they've been cruising all over the world for 25 years!  They have this wonderful sling seat that Duane is sitting on....I'll have one of these built for us eventually!  

They were getting ready to go into town in their rental car and offered to drop us at the hardware store (about 4 miles away).  Extremely nice of them!  So, we all took our dinghies over and tied up at the marina.

Our chores at the hardware store done, we took their advice and caught a city bus back to within a mile of the marina. $1.25 each for a ride anywhere in the system.   Easy peasy!   Really cool downtown area - neat as a pin and covered up with quaint shops and restaurants. 

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