Boat Info

Friday, April 8, 2016

Another Florida Boat Shopping Trip!

We needed a second look at the Lagoon 37 TPI in Ft. Pierce, so we scheduled with brokers to look at a couple of other boats on the way.  Landed at St. Augustine to look at a different Lagoon that had just come on the market. 

The St. Augustine boat was really not good in many, many ways.  We did not spend much time there- just got back in the plane and flew on to Ft. Pierce.

Always neat seeing the weird "ground formations" that are  really Florida housing developments!

Pretty coastline

After looking at one more boat, we made it back to the Lagoon TPI 37 that we had seen a few weeks ago.  We wanted to get another look at it, since it was on the very "short list".

Just did another walk-thru, comparing this boat to the others we'd seen.

Love the big galley!

And we left the marina to discuss our feelings out of range of the broker.

Our hotel was close to the beach - so we wandered along the coastline.  There was a "protected" area behind a breakwater where the kite surfers were having a good time!

Neat watching them - gonna try that some time!  I'm sure they made it look easier than it is!

Next day, we called the broker and made an offer on "Ahyoka".  

And the offer was accepted!  So now we're close to a two boat family until the Tobago sells.   We'll go next week for a sea trial and haulout.  If all goes well, we'll close in a few weeks and bring her to Oriental!

Happy day!  (The name means "She brought happiness" in Cherokee....not sure we'll keep the name.) 

Uneventful, but windy flight home.  What's with all the wind????