Boat Info

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sailing Washington, NC to Oriental

I guess all good trips have to come to an end sometime....and this one has to because we've got more adventures planned soon!!

Up early again.

And it was foggy!

Thru the open railroad bridge.

But, as usual, the sun came up!

We passed closer to the phosphate mine.  Huge operation.

Very nice winds.

Eventually we were in the "ditch" - part of the Intercoastal Waterway.

US Coast Guard station.

Mayo docks....big fishing boats.

A couple of hours of this view....

Then finally back out on the open Pamlico Sound.  A phosphate barge splashing thru the by then choppy seas.

And we were on a converging course with this nice sailboat. 

And that about wraps up the almost 3 weeks that we cruised the coast of NC!  More adventures await!!

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