Boat Info

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sailing Belhaven to Bath

Up early enough to see the sunrise...beautiful night. Had to get out the quilt it was so chilly!

I borrowed the courtesy car from the marina and shared a ride into Belhaven for a needed re-fill of the refrigerator.  Nice of them to have  a car to loan!

Then it was time to shove off.  Enjoyed Dowry Creek Marina - nice folks.

Underway - I spotted the Aurora ferry.

And I believe this is the phosphate works - the origin of all those huge barges we see on the Neuse River.

Approaching the lovely Historic city of Bath.

All tied up at the NC "free" dock.

Unfortunately all 3 of the restaurants in town were closed for the day....but I had a treat!  The Ruitan Club was putting on a shrimp fry!  It was yummy - Duane, of course couldn't partake. 

Lovely view from the back of the boat.

We were joined at the dock by a couple of nice fellows in their power boats.  That was our day!

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