Boat Info

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Moving Island Girl back to our slip at Pecan Grove

Finally got to move back to our own slip at Pecan Grove!!!

Leaving Point Marina - pretty morning!

In the early morning calm, I thought I spied a brown pelican and her chicks....

But, upon closer inspection, it was a brown pelican and a couple of seagulls....

Island Girl approaching Pecan Grove Marina - I nabbed this photo from the web-cam.

Home sweet home!  It's been a year since we've motored up this channel.

Our slip awaits.....

Quite snug....we're almost 20' beam - the slip is 26' wide.

The view from the other side of the marina - note a familiar face next to us - our old boat Glory Days!

And we finally got the little dinghy hung from the davits so no more worrying about the dinghy trailing behind us on a line!