Boat Info

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lovely day sailing on the Pamlico

We had a lovely day to go sailing....warm temps and about 15 knots of wind.  We also needed to calibrate our auto-pilot, so we did some "circles" to accomplish that.

Back at the dock, I tidied the lines.  

And I got a boo-boo when I pulled up a large fender from the side of the boat.  Somehow, as I bounced it up on deck, it hit my thump straight-on the nail.  Ouchie!!  This was just after the's even more purple and ugly now.  I'm sure that the end of the nail there will pull away eventually because it already feels "disconnected".  Oh well, I'll be more careful!

And after all that, I got down to business to make some vegan spaghetti!  All I had to add fresh was the veggies.  Everything else I had stored on the boat.  It was very good! 

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